Kenja Communication
Ken Dyers passed away 10 years ago this year, but the organisation that he spearheaded with his partner Jan Hamilton lives on. In spite of a few parallels, this Australian organisation, called Kenja, has been listed as a suppressive group by the Church of Scientology. Jan claims that Kenja has faced decades of persecution by those who want to bring them down, including a member of parliament, and charges levied at the organisation include brainwashing, exacerbation of psychological illnesses with dire consequences, alienation from family and friends, and sexual abuse. CW: references to manipulative behaviours, sexual assault including of minors, and suicide. Please consider whether you would like to listen on this basis. Content is not suitable for children. Full research sources listed on each episode page at If you have been personally affected by involvement in a cult, or would like to support those who have been, you can find support or donate to Cult Information and Family Support if you’re in Australia (via, and you can find resources outside of Australia with the International Cultic Studies Association (via If you or someone you know is in crisis or needs support right now, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 in Australia, or find your local crisis centre via the International Association for Suicide Prevention website at Links: Kenja Concert website — Includes Jan Hamilton early biography timeline Kenja Communication website Kenja Lecture website Guilty Until Proven Innocent — A Kenja Communication "theatre documentary" production: "The incredible story of the 15 year-long attack on the reputation of Ken Dyers – in an attempt to destroy Kenja Communication, the organisation he co-founded – which ultimately led to his death at age 85." Scientology Suppressive Persons and Suppressive Groups List — Circulated on 25 July 1992, includes Kenja AKA Kenja Personal Ability Centre and Personal Evolvement Centre Ken Dyers: Tributes and accusations — Sydney Morning Herald, 4 August 2007 Handbook of Scientology — Edited by James R. Lewis, Brill, 10 January 2017 – chapter "Squirrels" and Unauthorized Uses of Scientology: Werner Erhard and est, Ken Dyers and Kenja, and Harvey Jackins and Re-Evaluation Counselling by Carole M. Cusack Kenja Facebook page — Image of the 10th annual full page ad Kenja placed in Fairfax Media publications for the anniversary of Ken Dyers' death Ken Dyers YouTube channel Beyond Our Ken — Documentary directed by Luke Walker and Melissa Maclean, Scribble Films... See for privacy and opt-out information.