Uniquely Wisconsin: Rock County
This bonus episode of The Cabin Podcast is presented by Rock County; https://bit.ly/2THPoeX
Uniquely Wisconsin is a broadcast & streaming series that spotlights the untold stories of Wisconsinites and highlights the communities in which they live. From the emotional and heartwarming, to the humorous and the historic, the Uniquely Wisconsin brand captures the essence of the people of America’s Dairyland. Discover Wisconsin is of the places and things, Uniquely Wisconsin will be more about the people.
On this episode, we are featuring Rock County! We share stories about the Edgerton Tobacco Warehouse Redevelopment, the Cozy Inn, the Beloit International Film Festival, and so much more!
Learn more about Rock County by watching our videos, “Wisconsin’s Underground Railroad: Escaping to the North" https://youtu.be/vdOyzKJ2EJs; "Emerging Talent: Spotlight on Kids" https://youtu.be/lYbn3xE2650; and "Helping our Community: Friends of Rock" https://youtu.be/Bk2zlN_TBM4.