VoV 009: Building Modal Component with Filipa Lacerda
- Charles Max Wood
- Erik Hanchett
- Divya Sasidharan
- Chris Fritz
- Joe Eames
Special Guests: Filipa Lacerda
In this episode of Views on Vue, the panelists discuss building modal component with Filipa Lacerda. Filipa is a senior frontend engineer at GitLab and works with Vue daily. She wrote an article recently on creating reusable components that you can use multiple times in your application without having to rewrite your code. She stresses the fact that components should be simple and not too complex, that way they can be more accessible and reusable in the future.
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
- Divya intro
- Filipa intro
- Vue and GitLab
- What makes a component reusable?
- Main focus
- What do you see that people do wrong in components?
- Makes your reusable components as simple as possible
- Accessible components
- Planning components
- Steps to writing reusable components
- Testing
- Are there types of accessibility that aren’t handles by area?
- Seizures
- Rachel Nabors VueConf Talk
- How do you refine this for reusability and accessibility?
- Focus on the code itself
- How do you know if the component is too complex?
- GitLab style guide
- The need to be on the same page with code
- Do you have any tips how to discuss style?
- And much, much more!
- GitLab
- Vue
- Filipa article
- Rachel Nabors VueConf Talk
- @FilipaLacerda
- Filipa’s GitHub
- Framework Summit
- Filipa’s Alligator Profile
- Filipa’s GitLab
- Exploring Zero Configuration With Vue by Andrew Thauer
- 7 Secret Patterns Vue Consultants Don’t Want You to Know talk by Chris Fritz
- Proxy Article
- The Three-Body Problem Book Series by Cixin Liu
- React 16.3
Special Guest: Filipa Lacerda.