VoV 006: Creating a Vue Plugin with Ramsay Lanier
- Charles Max Wood
- Cher Stewart
- Chris Fritz
Special Guests: Ramsay Lanier
In this episode of Views on Vue, the panelists discuss creating a Vue plugin with Ramsay Lanier. Ramsay is a front-end developer for Novetta and spends most of his time turning fancy data into cool visualizations. He originally got his start in programming with React and is a new convert over to Vue. He talks about why he decided to create his Vue plugin and what steps he took to create it. This episode is great for people wanting to learn more about plugins and when they can best be used.
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
- Ramsay intro
- Recent Vue convert
- Got his start with React
- Side project: WordExpress
- What is a Vue plugin?
- How do you get started creating a Vue plugin?
- Apollo GraphQL
- Parsing
- How did you know you needed a plugin?
- Don’t have to be an expert in Vue to create a plugin
- What was the most difficult part of building it?
- Getting started was the hardest part
- Vue Plugins Documentation
- Likes the Vue plugin implementation over React’s
- Wanted something convenient
- Shortcodes are what can be expanded upon
- Vue.use
- What does Vue.use accept?
- Instance vs Global methods?
- Any plugins that you really liked?
- Vue Router
- Did anything surprise you when looking up plugins?
- Vuex
- Plugin tests
- And much, much more!
- Novetta
- Vue
- React
- WordExpress
- Apollo GraphQL
- Vue Plugins Documentation
- Vue Router plugin
- Vuex
- Ramsay’s GitHub
- RamsayLanier.com
- @Rmmsy
- Atlanta Monster
- Today, Explained
- Amazon Originals
- Sneaky Pete
- Electric Dreams
- Sea of Theives
Special Guest: Ramsay Lanier.