Your One Perfect Reader and Why You Need to Know Her Well
Here's a question for you: Who wants to read that book you’re working so hard to write?
That’s a question you need to answer, and the sooner you figure it out the better off you’ll be.
If you think you’re writing a book everyone will want to read, think again.
A book for “everyone” will either be bland and boring—and not really for anyone—or it will end up a jumbled mess.
The good news is that identifying the one person who’s already looking for what you’re writing will make it easier for you to write, publish, and market your book.
Follow the steps in this episode to identify and embrace your one perfect reader. Focus on her (or him) and save yourself a lot of wasted effort.
And don’t worry. In this episode, you’ll also discover why your pool of readers only gets bigger when you niche it down.