How to Keep Your 2016 New Years Resolutions

How to Keep Your 2016 New Years ResolutionsTruth is, goals and resolutions can be set any day of the year. New years resolutions can be fun though. Here are my 3 steps on how to start and finish a new year resolution. I hope 2016 is your best year yet! 1. M: Meaning2. M: Momentum 3. M: Measure -Clark Full video version:click here Text summary:COMING SOON Get your FREE tools:click here   1. (2:06) MEANING-Find a why that makes you cry-The deeper your reason, the greater your chance of success. 2. (5:18) MOMENTUM-An object in motion will stay in motion.-IMAGE: Snowball + compounding-When you take a step towards something, it moves towards you.-2 degree changes compound over time 3. (7:37) MEASURE-What gets measured, gets managed.-Find a way to measure your results gives you small wins. -Journal for extra gratitude and wins. - V I D E O S M E N T I O N E D - 2 DEGREE CHANGE VIDEO: FULL JOURNAL VIDEO (pt 1) HOW TO MEDITATE FREE Journal Questions: GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: Stop settling, start living. -Clark ➤WEBSITE:➤INSTAGRAM:➤TWITTER:➤FACEBOOK:➤PODCAST:➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST:➤DRUMS: Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: TAGS: How to Keep Your 2016 New Years Resolutions, new years, 2016 new years, new years resolutions, new years resolution, resolutions, how to set, my new year resolutions, 2016 new years, how to set goals, goal setting, best way, how to achieve your goals, setting new years resolutions, clark danger, tony robbins

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