#028 Spice up a Kick Ass - Variety Some insights and lessons learned. 1. Chicken a broccoli life? 2. Beer drinking monkeys a tourists 3. Drowning in relationships 4. SuperBad + The 4-Hour Work Week 5. HOW TO ADD IN VARIETY YOU SUPPORT THE SHOW: Rate + Review on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dude!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506?mt=2 CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous TWITTER: @clarkdangerous EMAIL: ClarkDanger@live.com www.clarkdanger.com The "Dude! Where's My Life?" Podcast is an uncommon approach to personal development, lifestyle design and getting your s**t together! I Synthesize the BEST lessons I've learned throughout life. Failing a TON and messing up so you don't have to! Topics include: Lifestyle design, Behavior Change, Sex, Money, Mindset, Manhood, Authenticity, Relationships, Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Holistic Health, nutrition, wellness, fitness, paleo, low carb, fat loss, muscle gaining, being unstoppable and more! Be sure to leave a review / rating if you dig it! Stop Settling, Start Living. -Clark