Two Tips That Will Change Your Life... FOREVER.
Two Tips That Will Change YOUR Life... FOREVER. (Thoughts are things) (Gratitude) (Tony Robbins, The Secret, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Tim Ferris, style) These are TWO BIG ones, guys! What up dudes and dudettes! Clark back again with another episode! Now if you follow the Youtube channel you know we've been coving the mindset this week. KEY POINTS 1. Thoughts Are Things -What you think about you bring about! -We have 60,000 thoughts per DAY! -Most of those thoughts are the same as YESTERDAY and NEGATIVE! 2. Gratitude -The single FASTEST way to get back on track. -Develop a gratitude practice. -What 5 things are YOU most greatful for today? Thanks For the Support: ★ Website: ★ FB: ★ Tweet: ★ iTunes Podcast 1:!-wheres-my-health-!/id595286506 ★ iTunes Podcast 2: ★ Subscribe: ★ Drums Channel: ★ Fitness Product: Control your life, don't let life control you! -Danger TAGS: "Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life"