Jeremy Dawson born and raised in Vancouver, Canada, he attended Harvard University with Darren Aronofsky in the late 80’s and went on to work with Darren when they created the VFX company called Amoeba Proteus to do the VFX for Darren’s company, Protozoa. After a number of years working in VFX he went on to work with other directors as a producer including Wes Anderson. Jeremy has produced 6 features for Wes Anderson including, The Darjeerling Limited, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Moonrise Kingdom, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Isle of Dogs and the upcoming release of The French Dispatch. In this podcast episode we talked about his career long relationships starting at Harvard University with Darren Aronofsky along with his work as a VFX supervisor, title designer and producer of 6 features films with Wes Anderson. ALL ACCESS + CLIPS + FULL EPISODES + SUBSCRIPTION FOLLOW us on SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: @thepodmatrixnyc Linkedin: THEPODMATRIX Facebook: @thepodmatrix Support this podcast