LH 56: Tips for High Yield Vegetable Growing
Do you long for more produce from your tiny garden? Do you find yourself with too much zucchini but not enough cabbage? Ever wish you had a better system for growing just the right amount of food? Learn to grow more food no matter how big or small your garden space. In this week's episode, host Theresa Loe interviews Colin McCrate of Seattle Urban Farm Company and one of the authors of: High Yield Vegetable Growing - a new book that shows you how to take your food growing to a whole new level using scaled down farming tips and techniques. In this episode you learn: How just a little planning can make a HUGE difference in your food production, What it means to plant in succession, What is "relay planting", How to calculate exactly how much you need to grow, How to double your crop storage time by harvesting correctly and more. As always, you can get all the links and resources mentioned at: www.LivingHomegrown.com/56 as well as a full PDF transcript of the episode.