LH 47: Top Rookie Canning Mistakes
Learn the top rookie canning mistakes and how to overcome them. Host Theresa Loe removes some of the road blocks that can cause canners to fail by spelling out some of the common mistakes canners make. But don't feel bad if you've made some of these same mistakes yourself because even advanced canners make them too! In this episode you learn: The most common ways people cover up rather than showcase seasonal flavor, How to best accessorize that flavor, One short cut you should never take, Which salt is best for pickle making, The top tip for pantry storage and so much more. As always, you can go to the show notes to download additional information and the full transcript at www.LivingHomegrown.com/47 as well as get links for more information. Theresa's Canning Academy® is opening its doors in just 2 weeks so be sure to get on the list at www.LivingHomegrown.com/courses to get more information.