How the CEO of Lowe's Is Boosting Diversity Company Wide
Marvin Ellison is one of just four Black CEOs to lead a Fortune 500 company. And the company he runs - home retailer Lowe's - has been booming since the pandemic struck. Sales rose 35 percent in the most recent quarter, and online sales were up 135 percent. Leadership Next's Alan Murray asks if that demand will continue. The heart of the episode however comes when Ellison talks about his efforts to boost diversity at Lowe's - from the executive ranks, all the way through his newest initiative centered around diversifying suppliers. Also in the episode: Ellison's take on problems plaguing JCPenney - a company he ran before coming to Lowe's, Fortune's retail reporter Phil Wahba with some additional insight into Ellison's leadership style, and Ellen McGirt on ... wait for it ... potato cannons.