A Tale of Two Orens – Just Shoot It #50
Oren Brimer joins us to talk about working on the Daily Show, the new HBO shot Crashing with longtime collaborator Pete Homes and being named Oren. Check out his great short film here: https://vimeo.com/155757208 Oren Brimer's unpaid endorsement: https://workflowy.com/ and reading Comics like The Goon, Irredeemable, Saga and Scalped. Oren Kaplan: Adding a lens flare to logo treatment and Matt: Using a bedtime alarm Follow @orenbrimer and, as always, follow @MrMattEnlow and Oren @SmiteyPieLeg on twitter. Show your support: rate and review us on iTunes. Send feedback to @justshootitpod or justshootitpod@gmail.com or Call us at (262) 6-SHOOT-1, and we’ll air your voicemail on the show! Music was provided by the free music archive and by Jahzzar. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands