Ep. 3- Hook (1991)
Hook is the ultimate nostalgia bomb and it seems like everyone has a fond memory attached to the movie. Whether its Julia Roberts as an awkward Tinkebell, Rufio being a complete badass or just yelling bangarang, but is Hook as good as you remember? Don't worry, we break it down and ask the hard hitting questions like:
- Rufio the best thing about this movie? Was it a mistake to kill him off?
- who would win in a baseball series of 5, The Pirates from Hook or the Vampires from Twilight?
- is Captain Hook essentially the Joker of the Peter Pan universe?
- who was the worse father, Robin Williams in "Hook" or Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Jingle All the Way"?
- what percentage of people at the gym have "Bangarang" on their workout playlist?
- is Grease 2 better than the original Grease (dont worry, we tie it in...somehow)
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