Episode 62: [QUICKIE] How I Got Off 8/26 - 9/1/19
Lots of toy play and porn this week, but no partner stuff…
Thankfully I’ll be spending the weekend at a sex conference hosted by the hotel where I’m booked so I have faith next week will be a different story!
Porn [all bondage-nipple porn] links:
Bondage-nipple tickling, not terrible
Decent all around but the lighting is awful and it’s way too slow
Absurd “bondagette” 1, redhead
Absurd “bondagette” 2a, blond
Absurd “bondagette” 2b, same blond
Absurd “bondagette” 3, brunette
This one looks great but it’s too short!
Another super-appealing clip but super-short
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