97: ???? Renegade Renegade Renegade Renegade
- Facebook is apparently out of original ideas
- Why aren’t we marketing more on Alexa?
- Getting the culture right on TikTok
- And your biggest e-commerce competitor might spend less time in meetings, and more time in Algebra 11.
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- Tod’s web site: http://TodMaffin.com
- Tod’s agency: http://engageQ.com
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- Mixer: https://mixer.com/HappyRadioGuy
- https://marketingland.com/more-than-200-million-smart-speakers-have-been-sold-why-arent-they-a-marketing-channel-276012
- https://www.seroundtable.com/google-my-business-email-notifications-for-deletion-of-reviews-29001.html
- https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-launches-new-pinterest-like-app-via-its-experimental-npe-team/572320/
- https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/13/style/the-original-renegade.html
- https://www.inputmag.com/features/teens-are-turning-instagram-into-their-own-ebay-thrift-shop
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