"Alexa, Create More Long Tail Keywords Please."
- Facebook ads manager gets another placement — a HUGE one
- How will Siri and Alexa affect your brand’s SEO strategy
- TikTok SAYS OMG, we totally didn’t mean to create a DeepFakes feature in our app
- And an important update on the Poop emoji.
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Links to Tod's social media at at the bottom of http://TodayInDigital.com
- https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/02/whatsapp-adverts-coming-2020-people-threatened-delete-accounts-11992103/
- https://www.searchenginewatch.com/2020/01/03/voice-search-impact-seo-in-2020/
- https://techcrunch.com/2020/01/03/tiktok-deepfakes-face-swap/
- https://www.seroundtable.com/google-voice-search-optimization-fad-28778.html
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