10: A Partner Sensitive Recovery Plan
In this episode, Duane and Marnie will introduce and explain the fourth (other) circle and explore how it changes the treatment for both partners and promotes relational healing for couples impacted by betrayal trauma.
The Three Circle Plan originated from Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) and has been effective for years in helping sex addicts achieve and maintain sobriety. However, in a field that continues to evolve and move from a traditional addiction/codependent model to a partner trauma model, the absence of a fourth circle fails to acknowledge the others impacted by the addict's recovery plan.
Introducing a fourth "other" circle invites the others impacted by an addict's sobriety into his recovery plan and treatment from the very beginning.
You can find out more about Duane and Marnie at http://www.helpingcouplesheal.com/
Learn More About Our Helping Couples Heal 2-Day Workshop at http://www.helpingcouplesheal.com/workshop/