Die Cast Fate

A Caravan of travelers, merchants, mercenaries and reserve soldiers from the neighboring townships and further afar traverse the Witchwood in the hopes of bringing aid to Ekryn and her people. A town plagued by unrelenting hardships, Ekryn is a shadow of it's former, albeit humble glories. First came the fire, then disease wracked every facet of their lives and now a ravenous band of werewolves hunts the townsfolk in an unrelenting feast of blood, showering Ekryn in grief and terror as their numbers continue to be eviscerated night after terrible night. What little hope they have is placed in the hands of Ekryn's Mayor, a man who seems to strike as much fear into the hearts of his people as any of the dangers befalling their town. His solution? The Caravan, who's supplies and strength of arms, of might and magic may yet be this weary town's last gamble, one last die cast in a game of ill-fates. 

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