2. How Strong Relationships Lead to Successful M&A
In this interview, we touch on a range of topics from how Scott handles hurdles to post-closing surprises, deal disasters to integration management, and ultimately, the keys to running a successful process.
00:00 - 00:40 Intro
00:40 - 04:25 Scott’s corporate development background
04:25 - 06:36 Small vs large transactions
06:36 - 12:25 Diligence lessons learned
12:25 - 17:55 Walking away from deals
17:55 - 19:53 Post closing surprises
19:53 - 25:08 Bad deals
25:08 - 32:08 Post merger integration
32:08 - 36:26 Key lessons learned
M&A Science by Kison Patel (kison@dealroom.net)
DealRoom: Data Science and AI for M&A (www.dealroom.net)