1. The Importance of Conducting a Quality of Earnings in M&A
Andrew Jordan is a Principal at Riveron Consulting where he provides transaction advisory services. He’s had his hand in mergers and acquisitions for the last 8 years and has incredible insight regarding quality of earnings (Q of E) and M&A deals.
Show Notes:
0:00 – 0:47 Summary of Andrew’s background
0:48 – 5:44 Advantages to sellers doing Quality of Earnings (Q of E) analysis
5:45 – 6:51 When to get buyers involved in process
6:52 – 9:51 Biggest challenge from financial accounting due diligence process
9:52 – 10:39 Particular strategies to overcome data challenges
10:40 – 19:19 Interesting and extreme expense item discoveries
19:20 – 25:38 Evaluating Q of E adjustments
25:39 – 26:30 How see diligence process evolving
26:31 – 27:27 Assuring proper controls, both in and outside of Q of E analysis
27:28 – 32:03 Key lessons learned
M&A Science by Kison Patel (kison@dealroom.net)
DealRoom: Data Science and AI for M&A (www.dealroom.net)