4 Sex Myths as Explained by Science
Welcome to episode 11 of the Sexology Podcast, today I’m going to talk about 4 myths around sex that I see are very common in my practice. Originally, I wanted to do 13 myths to tie in with the Persian new year but that might have taken a little while to record… So the myths I have chosen are the ones I hear most frequently in my practice, and I hope this episode will shed some light and truth on these myths.
In this episode, you will hear:
Myth 1 – Penis size dictates a woman’s sexual pleasure
- The average penis size when erect is around 13cm or anywhere between 9 – 16cm
- In inches, the average size is from 4.7 to 5.1 inches
- How the medias idea of 7 inches being the average size is wrong
- How shame and anxiety come into play because of this myth
- Research shows that the size of a penis has no true physiological effect on female sexual satisfaction
- The importance around the perceived size of a man’s penis
- How men who perceive their penis to be small suffer from sexual confidence
- Feeling comfortable and confident with your body and penis size to have a good sex life
Myth 2 – How masturbation has destructive consequences physiologically and mentally
- Research shows that 60 – 94% of men have masturbated at least once, with 40 – 60% having done it in the last month
- 43 – 85% of women have masturbated at least once, with 20 – 43% having done it in the last month
- There’s no known negative consequences physiologically or mentally from masturbation
- Studies have shown it helps in knowing one’s own needs for sexual pleasure, increased autonomy and body integrity improving self-esteem
- How the myths of masturbation date back to the 17th century
- How the majority of people continue masturbating when in a committed relationship
Myth 3 – Men are obsessed with sex and women don’t think about it
- There’s no data to support the idea that men think about sex every 7 seconds
- How this myth puts pressure on men to be overly sexual
Myth 4 – Vaginal sex is the best way for women to reach orgasm
- How Freud invented the term “Vaginal Orgasm” without scientific basis
- Most women can’t reach orgasm through vaginal penetration alone, they need clitoris stimulation and other kinds of stimulation to reach orgasm
- How men can get frustrated because they can’t make women reach orgasm through vaginal penetration alone
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