Ep. 2 - Networking, Stonelands Visit, Planning Kitchen Gardens
In the second episode of the Talking Heads Podcast Saul and Lucy delve into their experience of building a network of gardeners, nursery owners and other fellow horticultural enthusiasts. They discuss why its important to have a wide range of contacts to not only develop their careers, but also the gardens they look after.
Saul gives Lucy a tour of Stonelands House when she visits him in Devon. They take a look at the history of the house and gardens while admiring the new mixed herbaceous garden recently planted around the terrace, the intimate and beautifully planted courtyard with Box Knot and finally scale one of the gardens numerous slopes to discuss the on-going development of the Orchard Meadow and wonder at the borrowed Humphrey Repton Landscape beyond. (Part 1 of 2)
Finally Lucy and Saul take a in-depth look at how they are preparing their respective Kitchen Gardens for the coming year - with Lucy's considerable experience in growing fruit and vegetables and Saul still 'learning the ropes' - they discuss how they approach their vegetable variety choices, the key preparation of the Veg Garden beds and there ongoing ethos for the coming year.
Lucy's book is being republished - the 'RHS Step-by-Step Veg Patch: A Foolproof Guide to Every Stage of Growing Fruit and Veg' - available from February 6th and can be pre-ordered on Amazon - click here
Twitter links:
Saul @GardeningSaul
Lucy @HeadGardenerLC
Intro and Outro music from https://filmmusic.io
"Fireflies and Stardust" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)