E3 2018 Prediction Series:Nintendo | Spawn Wave | KOFI | Potentially Perfect | Nicktendo Direct
Welcome to The Iron Lords Podcast of The Inner Circle Network!
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0:34- Lord SpawnWave Intro.
1:38- Lord Kofi intro
3:05- Lord Dolapo intro
5:50- No Combat Sports this week but a Public Service Gaming Community message from Lord @KingDavidOTW.
8:56- @LordSovILP breaks down the new official Iron Lords Podcast Patreon!
13:21- "What are the Lords playing?"
27:58- Starting off the 2018 ILP E3 Prediction Series with Nintendo! @KingDavidOTW & @LordAddictILP groan in unison!
31:20- Lord @nicktendod1rect joins the Lords!
41:14- Let the Nintendo Wars begin!@KingDavidOTW & @PressStartKofi go at it!
57:25- The Lords chime in on Pokemon Switch predictions!
1:07:55- Addict's World shows up full blast, @LordSovILP & @LordAddictILP go at it!
1:15:40- The Lords discuss the Star Fox Racing rumors!
1:30:22- What does the Switch need to do to "Mic Drop" E3? The
Lords give their thoughts!
1:47:40- What does the Switch NOT NEED TO DO to keep Switch hype going? The Lords give their thoughts!
2:04:39- Is there a possibility of seeing a Switch 2.0 revision soon? The Lords discuss starting with Lord @SpawnWaveMedia!
2:07:30- The Lords give their final thoughts and Outros!
You can find Lord SpawnWave on Twitter: @SpawnWaveMedia
And on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoIXnB865l9Ex9zs4OIXTdQ
You can find Lord KOFI on Twitter: @PressStartKofi
And on Youtube with the Press Start Podcast
You can find Lord Dolapo on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PoPerfUS
And on Youtube with Potentially Perfect:
You can find Lord NickTendo on Twitter: https://twitter.com/nicktendod1rect
And on Youtube with NickTendo Direct
ILP on Twitter: https://twitter.com/IronLordPodcast
Lord COGNITO--- twitter.com/LordCognito
Lord KING--- twitter.com/kingdavidotw
Lord ADDICT--- twitter.com/LordAddictILP
Lord SOVEREIGN--- twitter.com/LordSovILP
ILP YouTube Channel for FLASHPOINT series & additional
ILP content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYiUhEbYWiuwRuWXzKZMBxQ
ILP SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-780168349
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