Episode 019: Know Your Numbers (An Intro to Numerology) with Kari Samuels

In this episode, Kari Samuels links Numerology to personal and business success. What is it, and how can we use it in our businesses? Kari explains how using numbers can help make decisions, discover optimal times when events should be happening or not happening, as well as revealing much about you as an individual. She says everything boils down to numbers. A place on a map, numbers assigned at birth, date of birth, and your name are all calculated by numbers. “Basically our whole life is a number.” She says that people are divinely designed to come to life to incarnate during a certain day, period with a certain name because that’s the vibration that carries the spiritual lessons for that person. When linking Numerology to business, Kari says knowing this information will help you become more successful and more aware of what is going on around you. As an example, Kari talks about the moon and how certain times of the moons cycle is better to make new business decisions in. As well, another part of the cycle is for making revisions. “This is a science, a science that has been used for thousands and thousands of years; there is a reason it hasn’t gone away.” Kari touches on energy, and how energy guides us and how people can feel energy from each other. She makes her business decisions with a positive energy, so she can really reach out and touch her clients. “I truly feel people respond to energy more than information.” She tells others to not look at their lives as a series of goals but rather to look at life as look at as energy. “To me everything is energy, and that’s how I look at it.” She concludes with reminding listeners that you’re cultivating the energy of your future, with every action you’re doing now. Submit Your Question!  INTERVIEW LINKS: Kari's Website Facebook Page

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