Episode 018: The Art of Feng Shui in Business with Karen Carter
Karen Carter is a professional Feng Shui consultant and healthy lifestyle designer, educator and best-selling author of "Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life" and "Make a Shift, Change Your Life." She coaches, trains and empowers people to use a variety of techniques to improve and enrich all areas of their lives. In this episode, we find out if moving things on your desk, in your home and in your office can really change your life! Karen shares that Feng Shui is a method of mindfully arranging your space so that it supports you. She says that she was originally a skeptic, but needed to learn Feng Shui to get a project as a landscape architect. Quantum physics plays a part in it, as everything is energy. Karen adds that Feng Shui deals with all the things you might never think of that could be detrimental to you, as well as minor things. “Little, tiny and subtle things can make a big difference” She started applying Feng Shui to her house, and soon after a major publisher contacted her to write a book that she hadn’t even pitched. She feels that you should start by looking at changes that can be made in your home, as you spend a lot of time there. Karen focuses on her bed, as it’s a health generating area of the home. With Feng Shui, it’s about setting your intention, your goals and what you want to do. “I’m not really that interested in fixing a house as much as I am changing the outcome of somebody’s life” If you have a business, you need to look at the biggest challenges you are facing, and get very specific with tracking. For example, it could be revenue generation, before and after Feng Shui is implemented. A few suggestions she has for business owners is to make the front door inviting, easy to see and ensure it opens freely. A fresh and clean welcome mat will provide “inviting energy.” Karen says that her rule is that whatever is closest to you will have the most impact, and she advises that you clear out the things that don’t support you anymore. “If you are to truly propel yourself forward, cut the ties of the past that doesn’t serve you” She believes that a lot of interior designers resist learning about Feng Shui as they feel it will be limiting to them. Displaying your credentials (certificates, diplomas, etc.), getting a permanent work space as well as putting a plant in the prosperity area of your desk are just some suggestions she has. Karen shares that you can always learn more to master Feng Shui. “You have to know the basic rules, then apply” When launching a product, trust in the universe and have something to anchor you against the anxiety, stress and energy (see Karen’s YouTube video in “INTERVIEW LINKS”). She believes in “planning the party”, or celebrating something that hasn’t happened yet. Karen concludes by reminding people to be mindful of where you want to go, and who you are. “Look around; see what you’re surrounding yourself with” Submit Your Question! INTERVIEW LINKS: Karen’s Website Karen’s YouTube Videos "Move Your Stuff with Karen" Membership Program "Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life" book "Make A Shift, Change Your Life" book