Episode 1: How We Fell In Love With Wine
In our inaugural episode, the editors of Wine Enthusiast reveal how we first fell in love with wine, beer and spirits. We also tap industry experts Jordan Salcito (@JordanSalcito), beverage director for Momofuku restaurants, and Brandon O’Daniel (@kydistiller), head distiller at Copper a Kings American Brandy Co., to talk about their first drinks and foray into the beverage industry. Mentioned in this episode: Wine Coolers, Momofuku Restaurants, Copper a Kings Distillery, Moonshine, Bellus Wine Web Links: http://www.copperandkings.com, https://momofuku.com, http://www.belluswines.com http://www.winemag.com/feature/brandon-odaniel-37/ http://www.winemag.com/feature/jordan-salcito-36/ Thanks to: Susan Kostrzewa (@suskostrzewa), Jameson Fink (@jamesonfink), Joe Czerwinski (@JoeCz), Carrie Dykes, Marina Vataj (@mvataj)