Gareyng CastroDelRio: A Humble Man and His Bike
Gareyng CastroDelRio is a humble guy who moved to the United States from Colombia at the age of 11. He takes his bike everywhere he goes, and enjoys riding it around the urban town of Stamford, CT. Riding his bike became an absolute necessity after he got his first job in Greenwich, which was 8 miles away from his home. Not having a car or efficient access to a train or bus to work, he was forced to learn how to ride a bike and get to work promptly.
After a period of time with his bike as his main form of transport, he decided that he was happy with this simple vehicle that takes you from point A to point B. Gareyng does not have a driver's license because he has no need for a car. He currently owns two bicycles and a moped.
He is a happy and simple guy who loves biking and has a passion for teaching.
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