S03.8 The Life of a Voice Over Artist: Harnessing the Power of Voice
Happy hump day everyone! We are back with another killer episode this week with an iconic voice over artist, Tasia Valenza. Tasia Valenza is an EMMY-winning voiceover artist, actress, TEDX speaker and Confident Communication Coach. Renowned for voicing iconic female characters in video games and animated television shows, such as the seductress Poison Ivy in the Batman: Arkham Series, Comander Venisa Doza in Star Wars Resistance, General Shaak Ti in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Sniper Wolf in the fan-favourite Metal Gear Solid games; Tasia voices countless commercials, animated series, video games, narrations, promos, and radio imaging. These experiences inspired the creation of #GiveGreatVoice, a platform that encourages confident, considerate verbal communication. Additionally, Tasia has co-created and voiced a free-to-use, science-based affirmation meditation app, Haven, with the hopes of helping people rewire their brains for peace of mind. Visit her IMDb THE Updates that matter: Read and download our Valentine's Day gift to you, our latest "self-love edition" of the FourOneOne. Check out our online community of young, like-minded entrepreneurs: Youth Entrepreneur Movement. Members have access to a range of fire resources, networking events and workshops! You don't wanna miss out. That's all for today folks! Have a great day. Follow us and get in touch with us on: thehumanentrepreneur@gmail.com Instagram Facebook LinkedIn If you love what you hear, please leave us a review. Thanks a take care of yourself!