S03.3 Optimising Your Wellness Through Fitness and Diet with Eric Edmeades
Happy Wednesday people! We are back with another MAJOR kickass episode on our journey to unravel the myths and fantasies of entrepreneurship Eric Edmeades, founder of The Business Freedom Academy, is a compelling speaker and a prolific entrepreneur who has shared the stage with Tony Robbins, President Bill Clinton, Sir Richard Branson, and Jack Canfield in over 25 countries. He has owned companies in four countries with business related to: mobile computing, military research a development, 3D camera engineering, and Hollywood special effects where he worked on James Cameron’s smash hit Avatar and movies in the Transformers, Iron Man and Pirates of the Caribbean franchises. Eric’s family immigrated to Canada when he was a child. At 15 years old he was homeless and on the streets but he turned his life around and has enjoyed incredible personal and business success since. In 2018, Eric was awarded a Medal by the Canadian Senate for his efforts in helping people ‘improve the quality of their lives’. THE Updates that matter: Read and download our Valentine's Day gift to you, our latest "self-love edition" of the FourOneOne. Check out our online community of young, like-minded entrepreneurs: Youth Entrepreneur Movement. Members have access to a range of fire resources, networking events and workshops! You don't wanna miss out. Sit back, relax and get those brain juices flowing cause that's all for today folks! Follow us and get in touch with us on: thehumanentrepreneur@gmail.com Instagram Facebook LinkedIn If you love what you hear, please leave us a review. Thanks a take care of yourself!