S01.5 How to Start Up a Charity with Lewis Baxter
In this episode, we chat with Lewis Baxter, the founder of The Blurred Line Group and most recently, Chit-Chat. We discuss Lewis' journey to founding The Blurred Line Group after overcoming struggles with his own mental health. The charity is a funding hub for local mental health charities and projects. Most recently, Lewis has founded Chit-Chat, a service to provide conversation to individuals who are feeling lonely or just want a talk during the lockdown caused as a result of COVID-19. Lewis talks about his steps and learnings to founding Chit-Chat and we highly recommend you give them a call! To find out more about Lewis' Charities: Twitter: @Lewis_A_Baxter @chitchatbritain @TheBlurredLine Instagram: @lewisabaxter @chitchatbritain or @blurredlinegroup LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/in/lewis-alexander-baxter-91189b12b Follow us and get in touch with us on: Email: thehumanentrepreneur@gmail.com Instagram: the_human_entrepreneur Facebook: @podcastthehumanentrepreneur Twitter: @thehumanentpod LinkedIn: @The Human Entrepreneur We hope you enjoy this weeks episode!