The Beerists Podcast - Episode 4 - Three Floyds Spotlight
Episode 4 - A Chaotic Look at Three Floyds Brewing Company We're back from Dark Lord Day with 7 Three Floyds beers! Most of them were pretty high in alcohol, so we went off the rails and into a beer-addled chaos with this one. So crack open and pour a bottle of suds and join us for a wild ride. Gumball HeadLord Admiral NelsonDreadnaughtArctic Panzer WolfRye'd Da LighteningMutiny a the MolluskDark Lord Subscribe:Point your podcatcher to our RSS feed: feed://, subscribe via iTunes Download a PDF of our show notes for this episode here. Rankings: Grant1 Arctic Panzer Wolf2 Rye'd Da Lightening3 Gumball Head4 Dreadnaught5 Mutiny a the Mollusk6 Lord Admiral Nelson7 Dark Lord John1 Rye'd Da Lightening2 Arctic Panzer Wolf3 Gumball Head4 Mutiny a the Mollusk5 Dreadnaught6 Lord Admiral Nelson7 Dark Lord Anastacia1 Arctic Panzer Wolf2 Gumball Head3 Dreadnaught4 Rye'd Da Lightening5 Mutiny a the Mollusk6 Lord Admiral Nelson7 Dark Lord Mike1 Mutiny a the Mollusk2 Arctic Panzer Wolf3 Gumball Head4 Dreadnaught5 Rye'd Da Lightening6 Lord Admiral Nelson7 Dark Lord Theme music provided by Defalated Ballon. Some of the music provided tonight from Mevio's Music Alley. Check it out at