Drinking Socially - S1 Ep. 6: 1 Ton Of... Blackcurrant a History of the Pilsner
Prerecorded Episode We want to give you a heads up that Kyle is heading out of the country and we are unable to do our normal weekly recordings. In order to keep the great content flowing, this episode has been prerecorded. This episode may be a little shorter and content may not be as timely. Regular weekly recordings will resume in April. Thanks for your understanding! What We’re Drinking 1 Ton Of... Blackcurrant by To Øl Sour Ale | 7.1% ABV Brewed with 1000kg of Blackcurrant per 1000L water Untappd Feedback We're always listening to your feedback regarding our apps or website. Here are some ways you can get in touch! If you're using the Untappd app, you can go to your settings screen and tap the "Feedback" option to email us directly from the app. Submit a ticket at our help desk: http://help.utnappd.com Send us a message on your favorite social platform: Twitter Facebook Instagram Google+ Or you can email us at: help@untappd.com Sponsored Badges 2018 Cheers to New Beers Check-in to three (3) beers from the new beer list provided at any Yard House location between 3/26/18 and 5/13/18. Style of the Week This week we discuss the history of the clear, crisp Pilsner. Beer Articles Reddit Has Banned r/beertrade, One of the Web’s Biggest Beer-Trading Forums An Unholy Fight Over a Saintly Beer The 25 Most Important American Craft Beers Ever Brewed Do You Really Know What Puts the Sour in Your Sour Beer? #AskUntappd "When are you making a badge for barrel aged beers?" - Paul from Facebook Have a question for us? Send it over using #AskUntappd on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Sponsor Show off your love of Untappd. Check out our online store and pick up Untappd branded glassware, shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and more! Go to http://store.untappd.com and enter the coupon code “PODCAST” at checkout to get 20% off all orders Connect Twitter Facebook Instagram Google+