Peace with its Leaves and Joy with its Golden Oil”: The History of Olives a Olive Oil
In this next episode of Eat My Globe, our host, Simon Majumdar, examines the remarkable history of an ingredient that is now a staple in almost every household. Olive oil has long been revered, but often as a fuel and for religious purposes as much as for food. This is a fun episode that will show where olives and olive oil first originated and how olive oil has become part of our everyday life. Make sure to tune in, and follow and support us on: Patreon: Website: Twitter: @EatMyGlobePcast Instagram: @EatMyGlobe Facebook: @EatMyGlobeOfficial Twitter: @SimonMajumdar Instagram: @SimonMajumdar Facebook: @SimonMajumdarPage LinkedIn: ************* Distributed by: Producergirl Productions