CLR-E18: Coffee Lovers Test Kitchen - Why You Should Grind Your Coffee Right Before You Brew
This episode of Coffee Lovers Radio is a bit of a special episode - we by happenstance debut the 'Coffee Lovers Test Kitchen,' following up on a test we did just prior to the show. The notion that you should grind your coffee right before brewing is one which is commonly accepted - however, no one can tell you exactly why, or what happens if you grind an hour, a day, or a week in advance. Does the coffee really go bad? How much are you missing out by grinding in advance? Or, did we find contrary evidence to suggest that you can you save yourself the trouble of grinding right before brewing? Find out on this special episode... Mentioned on this episode is our very first 'Coffee Lovers Test Kitchen' test, the storage test, which we conducted last year. You can find that here: Hosts: Joseph Robertson - Coffee Lovers Magazine - Jesse Nelson - Conduit Coffee -