SPS 044: Using A Free + Shipping Book Funnel with Anik Singal
Anik Singal the founder and CEO of Lurn is here today to talk about his book Circle of Profit. He is one of today’s most successful digital publishing marketers. He specializes in product launches, building backends, and having funnels that lead to conversions. He also teaches people how to create their own line passion-based businesses.
Today we talk about how he wrote his first book and how his writing process has evolved over time. He shares great tips like writing an outline, using dictation, and just starting. He talks about some of the fear and hesitation he had, and how he overcame that. He also shares his funnel technique where he gave his book away for free, while still making a profit. Anik talks about how to create a book and book launch that serves your unique purpose.
You can find Anik here:
Show Notes
[01:12] Anik has written a lot of training and free reports. He also wanted to say that he wrote a book. He knows it comes with a level of credibility.
[02:16] He was actually scared to write a book.
[02:58] He decided not to be fear driven. Then he started focusing on the book writing process. He also realized that his book needed the deeper purpose.
[03:39] He realized he can use his book as a lead generation tool and have a funnel behind it. A book serves as the best first thing or tripwire offer.
[04:37] He decided to write the book in an environment that he was comfortable with. He needed momentum with his first book.
[05:08] He decided to call his book a really long free report.
[05:47] He took five days off and decided to write a book. He decided to just write and leave it to the editor to make it perfect.
[06:37] They self published with a Kindle version and they create space hardcover. They have sold close to 50,000 books.
[07:10] He's writing two other books now. He has the process down with outlines and bullet points. He records his voice. Then has it transcribed. Then sends it to an editor or he edits it.
[08:03] He is focusing internally on book marketing and publishing.
[09:23] The biggest lessons learned were that writing on blank paper is a lot harder than using bullet points and dictating. This gets him going even if the final finished product is much different.
[10:49] If you nail a great title, a book will sell itself. Books have great credibility and are tied to knowledge. They also created an affiliate program that tied into one of their information products. This was incentive for affiliates to promote the book.
[13:53] Anik likes to use his own network to distribute his content. With his own network, he can own the data and the email addresses behind the sells.