SPS 037: How to Land Big Name Endorsements with Kelsey Humphreys
Media entrepreneur and motivational journalist Kelsey Humphreys is on a mission to break down success for the rest of us. She is the host and producer of The Pursuit a talk show and podcast where she interviews influencers like Tony Robbins, Barbara Corcoran, Gary Vaynerchuk, Brandon Bouchard, and others. She offers simple success tips and written articles for Success Magazine, Entrepreneur, LifeHack, and the Huffington Post. She is also the author of the book “Go Solo”.
Kelsey is a past student of SPS. I just love her book, and we have had a lot of fun. I’ve really enjoyed seeing her soar with all of the awesome stuff that has happened since the book was published. It’s not just because of the book. It’s because she is a hustler, but the book definitely helped. Today, we are going to discuss her book, her success, and a lot of great motivational ideas.
You can find Kelsey here:
Show Notes
[03:06] Kelsey wrote her book to teach her knowledge and she knew a book was a legitimate way to meet her end goals and to help launch her speaking and expert marketing career.
[04:15] Over time her career morphed into interviewing since her goals have changed since she first began.
[04:41] Kelsey had a newborn when she was writing her book. She typed during nap time for 6 months leading up to finishing up with Chandler and SPS. Most of us are already writing in our heads. All of the stuff we write can be compiled into a book.
[05:35] What people want is our perspectives. For me, writing was a lot of compiling and structuring and editing.
[06:16] She hired an editor for copy editing.
[06:28] Writing is like so many things in life. We can make them worse than they are before we start. Action is the key. The action to writing a book is to sit down and write.
[08:04] When Kelsey would get stuck she would go back and read what she had written and that would get the juices flowing again.
[08:32] We can spend tons of time reading about how to write a book, but sitting down and writing is the key to getting it done.
[09:20] The actual writing of the book took about six months after years of learning and compiling information.
[10:26] Kelsey hired Chandler because she needed help getting over the hump and with marketing.
[11:12] Test to see what works for you when writing a book. Whether it is an hour a day or all Saturday.
[12:43] How writing needs to be focused time, but it doesn't have to be everyday.
[13:06] How Kelsey positioned the book for solopreneurs she started broad, but then narrowed in.
[15:17] How a specific book for a specific person is more sell-able and will help more people.
[16:27] Kelsey offered the first chapter of her book for free with an email list. She also made a video series posted on facebook. The family and friend buy in on facebook was helpful. Looking back they were too long and too detailed, but facebook helped get the word out there.
[18:17] People knew Kelsey's story and signed up on her email list to check out her upcoming book.
[20:39] If you have a message worth spreading it is your job to get it out.
[21:22] Kelsey started with accessible guest posts. Which led her to Dan Miller. Don't underestimate the importance of your inner circle and snowballing your guest endorsements.
[24:13] A lot of people said no to Kelsey whe