Sake Production Series: Pressing Matters to Attend To.
Season 1, Episode 15. It's been said that the process of making sake can be done in 10,000 different ways. Talk about versatility! As our series on Sake Production methods continues, we're going to learn about three, no... wait, make that four more of those 10,000 ways. This time we're looking at Pressing. When the mash is fermented, we need to separate the newly created sake from all the unfermented rice solids. this is achieved by pressing the mash. There are a number of ways to achieve this some automated, some totally analog and some super high tech. But, the big news is that at the pressing stage you can finally drink your sake! Now, many sakes go on to further processing, but if you're in a hurry you can stop sake production with this step and pour yourself a glass. Speaking of pouring John and Tim each bring a sake to the table. John tries the high end Hanagaki Usu-Nigori Junmai Daiginjo, while Tim goes for a futsushu named - what a coincidence - "Ban Ryu" which translates to 10,000 Ways! Well, now...only 9,996 more ways to go.