Does SharePoint bring you joy?
Live from SharePoint Conference 2019! The Intrazone goes live in Las Vegas at SPC19. Joining Mark and Chris are panelists Sue Hanley, Dave Feldman of Takeda, and Kerry Lambert of National Instruments, to discuss the evolution of SharePoint, key announcements from the conference, broad use adoption of Microsoft 365, as well as tips for success for IT pros, developers, admins and users - including the very important question: does SharePoint bring you joy? And later in the episode, the panel takes questions from the audience around GCC, best practices, governance, compliance, advice for Microsoft and more.
Running Time: 45min
Show Intro [00:00]
Topic of the Week – SharePoint Conference 2019
Guest Perspective Panelists - Sue Hanley, Dave Feldman, Kerry Lambert [01:36]
FAQ Round Table [23:05]
Audience Questions for the Panel [30:10]
Show Wrap [44:20]
Social and Info Links:
SharePoint Facebook @MSSharePoint
SharePoint @SharePoint
Mark Kashman @mkashman
Chris McNulty @cmcnulty2000
Jeff Teper @jeffteper
Sue Hanley @susanhanley
Jeff Teper's SPC19 announcements blog "New SharePoint home sites headline Microsoft 365 innovations for the intelligent workplace"
View the SharePoint 2019 keynote on-demand
Upcoming Events:
SharePoint Fest, @SharePointFest
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Microsoft Business Applications Summit, Atlanta, GA, June 10-11, 2019
ESPC, European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Conference - Dec.2-5 (Prague, Czech Republic)
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