Episode 10: The Radical Politics of Star Trek Deep Space Nine
Spoiler Alert: This episode discusses Season 3, Episode 11 and 12 of Star Trek Deep Space Nine.
This episode discusses the political message in the Star Trek Deep Space Nine episode Past Tense. A transporter malfunction sends Captain Benjamin Sisko, Jadzia Dax, and Dr. Bashir to San Francisco in the year 2024. Security guards force Sisko and Bashir inside a "sanctuary district" for not having IDs. Later in the episode, Sisko and Bashir get into a fight leading to the death of Gabriel Bell, the leader of the pivotal Bell Riots in 2024, which alters the space-time continuum. What connects the Bell riots in 2024 to Star Trek? What does the episode teach us about social class, solidarity, and non-violent struggle in the 21st Century? We seek to answer these questions on this episode of Collateral Banter. Enjoy.
Music: "Dub Kong" by Caballo
From the Free Music Archives