The Future of Design Education is Flexibility
With pretty much every design student in the world learning remotely, it’s a good moment to talk about the state of design education at the college and university level. To train a well-rounded designer, the number of things students need to learn increases every year, but the amount of time in class stays the same. How do professors and administrators plan to teach the next generation of designers to enter an ever-changing industry and world? And then, how can design be taught remotely? We speak with Derek Cascio, newly appointed Chair of the Industrial Design department at Wentworth Institute of Technology; and Jason Schupbach, Director of the Design School at Arizona State University. Derek and Jason agree the future of design education is flexibility. Design has the proverbial “seat at the table,” so, in Jason’s words, “We must prepare students to be in that room.” Plus, our Weekly Dose of Good Design. For links to resources we discuss on this episode, visit our show page: