F*ck the McDonalds French Fries | Michael Pollan | Closer Today

Closer Today - Helping you get closer to your dreams of parenthood one "A-ha" moment at a time.

F*ck The McDonalds French Fries. YEP. That's right, I said it & I mean it.

I don't know how or why we've taken one of the most harmful foods on our planet & made it a well-known tradition within our community to eat them at one of the most important times during our journey.

Here's how I look at the f*cking fries: They may not have individually "hurting" your chances. But with all the other shit going on in your body, they may be adding to the inflammation and chaos going on, which is causing your infertility.

Make sense?

You can watch the whole clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbZBJT358_Y and connect with Michael Pollan over on his website: https://michaelpollan.com/

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