Lesson on Patience | Les Brown | Closer Today
Closer Today - Helping you get closer to your dreams of parenthood one "A-ha" moment at a time.
Today's clip comes from the amazing Les Brown! He's got NOTHING to do with infertility, but his motivational talks are too good to pass up.
PATIENCE. We can all agree patience isn't our strong suit during infertility. We want to be pregnant and we want to be pregnant yesterday. We want a magic pill. We want our fertility diet and our new lifestyle changes to work overnight. We simply want our infertility to go away.
Les's story about the Chinese Bamboo Tree sums up my infertility journey nicely. After 5 years of never getting pregnant and I started to make some changes and started seeing results. 3 more years of taking care of myself & then BOMB, I was pregnant NATURALLY for the first time ever. I need to start believing in and taking care of MYSELF - I tended to my tree and the hard work paid off.
I hope this clip inspires you to keep going with your diet and lifestyle changes. Even though you may not be seeing instant results, keep believing that the changes you're making will pay off, in one way or another.
You can listen to Les's whole talk here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXuSMjrx_e8&t=3s
and check out more of Les over on his website at: https://lesbrown.com
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