Sun: a Divine Healer for Optimal Health | Dylan Smith & Laura Poole #010
Throughout evolution, exposure to sunlight and the photosynthesis of vitamin D has been critically important for the evolution of land vertebrates. But all of a sudden in the past few decades, we have been burying the Sun from our lives while simultaneously increasing our exposure to artificial light. Could this be a foundational mistake for our health? Has the status quo's fear of the sun been blown out of proportion?
Circadian medicine won the most recent Nobel Peace Prize saying that a resolution towards chronic disease is to live in-tune with our natural circadian rhythms. Simply, 'go back to nature' is now the prescription healing. Dylan and Laura will share how to work with the Sun to optimise your health and immune system, so you can re-establish this important and foundational human-Sun relationship.
This recording is from a talk where Laura interviewed Dylan in Melbourne in September 2018.
Laura Poole is a Vedic meditation teacher, speaker, writer and community builder. She has trained intensively over the past decade with great masters in Australia, India and the United States. Based in Melbourne, Laura shares the wisdom of Vedic meditation, Vedanta and Ayurveda, making it relevant for living in today’s world. She is a truly dedicated leader and entrepreneur in the Melbourne meditation space, inspiring people to take care of their mental and physical health while encouraging them to make a real difference in the world.
Laura is the founder of Mahasoma - a movement that is creating a new cultural narrative through the embodiment of wisdom and practice. She was also an original co-founder/co-creator of 1 Giant Mind Australia and its free 'Learn to Meditate' app.
How Dylan became fascinated and in love with the sun.
Forming a relationship with the sun.
Circadian Medicine
The Personality of the Sun.
The Lighting Crisis: Burying the sun from our lives and replacing this with artificial blue light.
Receiving an Altered Spectrum of Light
The problem with sunscreen, windows and glasses.
The eyes as a seat of pitta (fire/metaboliser).
The importance of melatonin: “The king of hormones.”
Our Mistaken Fear of the Sun
Why the Sun Rarely Causes Skin Cancer
The difference between morning and evening light spectrums.
Under Active Thyroid
The Vital Time for Sleep
The Influence of LED Lights (Screens, Lights) and Light Temperatures on our Hormones
Hacking our Computer and Phone Screens to Reduce Light Temperature for Hormonal Health
The Epidemic of Eye Diseases.
Detoxifying Fluoride and Excess Calcium from the Pineal Gland
Building Biology
Skin Physiology and why blind people still have light and dark cycles.
Melanopsin and photoreceptors in our skin.
Self-Abhyanga (Self-Ayurvedic Massage)
The Second Brain: The Gut
The Third Brain: The Skin
The sense of Touch (
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