Coaching, Conferences and Classes

1.  INTRO We are big advocates for staying ahead of the design curve as it relates to product, our skills as designers and our business acumen as entrepreneurs. To do this, we invest quite a bit of money, time and brain energy attending national conferences, conferences and hiring business coaches. For all of you new and old designers out there who don’t venture outside of your bubble for one reason or another, you might find this podcast very inspiring. 2.  BUSINESS OF DESIGN CONFERENCE WITH DAVID SHEPHARD A. When? 2004-2006 B. Where? Las Vegas, Palm Springs, New York C. How did we benefit? 1. Rubbing shoulders with designers in an entirely different category than ourselves – Tobi Fairley. 2. Meeting lifelong designer friends – Joann Kole and Melinda Headrick 3. Accounting for time – the silos philosophy 4. Studio Webware D. What he’s doing now – David is retired from this conference and is a Professor of Entrepreneurship at TCU in Texas. He is however, going to speak at the next Bold Summit which is the Business of Design Conference now run by Julie Malloy. You can find out more by going to 3.  DESIGN MASTERMIND WITH TOBI FAIRLEY A. When? 2013 B. Where? Little Rock, Arkansas C. How did we benefit? 1. Learning how to be on video 2. Learning how to charge our worth – buying the expensive shoes analogy – push your design fees until you loose a client you really want to work with 3. Meeting quality designers who have gone on to do big things and have stayed good friends – Traci Zeller, Lisa Mende, Denise McGaha, Liz Carroll D. What she’s doing now – Tobi has shifted her focus slightly and is now a certified life and health coach working with interior designers and other creatives. She has a new coaching program called “Design You” as well as a new podcast. You can check out all she has to offer at 4.  BUSINESS OF DESIGN WITH KIMBERLEY SELDON A. When? A 3 day seminar in November of 2014 B. Where? Atlanta C. How did we benefit? 1. Aggressive business tactics 2. Improving our contract 3. “It’s not a problem if you can solve it for under $5k” D.  What she’s doing now – Coaching, speaking, traveling about the business of design. She has a wonderful podcast by the same name that is worth listening to for sure. 5.  DESIGN CAMP AND DESIGN MASTERMIND WITH KELLI ELLIS A.  When? Design Camp - Design Mastermind B.  Where? Design Camp – Atlanta.   Design Mastermind – Las Vegas C.  How did we benefit – Design Camp 1. Tips and tools to positively impact our business. 2. Syncing our brand with our message and reaching the right people 3. Clint Smith’s advice on how to get published in major publications D. How did we benefit – Design Mastermind 1. Being in the “hotseat” 2.  Meeting Phil Phalen who did our audit and initiated our podcast brainchild. E.  Kelli Ellis - What she’s doing now – Designing products for companies like Left Bank, Sunpan and Tilebar, Coaching and designing. She’s always up to something BIG – check her out at 6.  THE SOUTHERN C A. When? Athens, Summer 2017 – Charleston, Spring 2014, 2015 , 2016, Fall 2017 Watercolor B.  Where? Athens, Ga, Charleston, SC, Sea Island, SC, Watercolor, FL C.  How did we benefit 1. Networking with creative other than designers in a luxury setting 2. Membership Directory on all attendees and presenters 3. Small group mentoring sessions 4. Spotlights on your business 5. Meeting editors of our favorite magazines. 6. Great swag bags!! D. The next event - February 6-8, 2019 – Sea Island Georgia

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