Ep. 27 Mailbag answers and the final episode of season 1
Joshua and Jason put forth a challenge to you, the listener(s). They asked "please send in a question for a future episode and we'll see what we can do about answering said question". You, dear listener(s), rose to the challenge in a most wonderful way. You've peppered the boys with more questions than they ever expected. So many, in fact, that not all could be covered in under 2 hours. Heck, not all would have been covered in 4 hours. Still, we hope you enjoy this, our longest episode to date, at 2hrs and 10min. Thanks for being devoted listeners! So, as usual, have a seat, have a pour, and listen in. Unless you're driving. If you're driving, be smart and stay sober but be sure to listen into the conversation! Special thanks to: - Weigh Down for allowing us to use their song "Wooden Monsters" as our theme song - Moana McAuliffe for designing our Podcast Logo - Blue Yeti for making great microphones - RØDE for making *really* great microphones - Olympus and Tascam for making fine mobile recording devices - Joshua Hatton for producing and editing