Ep. 21 Whisky Jewbilee Chicago 2017 Post Mortem
"I love it when a plan comes together" - Hannibal (from A-Team, not the people eater). Whisky Jewbilee Chicago 2017 is now at a close and the boys discuss its many successes. Aside from talking to one another, featured in this episode are interviews with Chris Riesbeck of Westland, Allison Parc of Brenne, Steven Randals of Hyde Irish WhiskEy, some fine Jewbilee attendees, and we hear from Steph Ridgeway and Malcolm Waring of Old Pulteney. After coming off the high that was Whisky Jewbile Chicago 2017, we can't wait for our Seattle Jewbilee on March 15, 2018 - we hope you'll join us! So, as usual, have a seat, have a pour, and listen in. Unless you're driving. If you're driving, be smart and stay sober but be sure to listen into the conversation! Special thanks to: - Weigh Down for allowing us to use their song "Wooden Monsters" as our theme song - Moana McAuliffe for designing our Podcast Logo - Blue Yeti for making great microphones - RØDE for making *really* great microphones - Olympus and Tascam for making fine mobile recording devices - Joshua Hatton for producing and editing