Physical Abuse of Children
This podcast deals with the physical abuse of children. Injuries concerning for physical child abuse will be discussed including: bruising, fractures, burns, and head trauma (aka shaken baby syndrome). This podcast was written by Dr. Melanie Lewis. Dr. Lewis is a general pediatrician at the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton. She is also the Program Director of the Pediatric Forensics fellowship program and the Year 3 Clerkship Director for Pediatrics at the University of Alberta. These podcasts are designed to give medical students an overview of key topics in pediatrics. The audio versions are accessible on iTunes. You can find more great pediatrics content on
Related Content:
- Case: Unresponsive two month old baby
- Case: Abusive head trauma cases
- Podcast: Approach to pediatric head injury
- CPS Statement: Abusive head trauma