Cross Stitch and Photography | S2E6
In this episode/blog post I am sharing all of my knowledge about taking photos of your cross stitch and needle craft pieces of work. Setting up your photo Backgrounds Props Camera/phone settings Editing Recommendation of the month I get a lot of my photography inspiration from Instagram so today, instead of a pattern of the month I'm going to recommend 5 Instagram accounts I love. Holly Booth - a professional photographer who takes awesome lifestyle photos. Cloud Craft - a clever and inspirational feed full of needle craft supplies. Knitty Knotts - a cosy and warm feed that makes me feel homely and I just want to curl up with a cup of tea and cross stitch. Hello Hooray Blog - Clare's feed is just full of fun and colour and always puts a smile on my face. Devon Sun Yarns - I love seeing the seasons change on Daisy's feed and how her yarn colours change with each one. Key links and resources *Affiliate link. If you click this link I may receive a small commission but I only ever recommend something I have used or read myself. Tea Break Photography Podcast Foam Boards from Hobbycraft Capture By Lucy for back drops Snapseed App for iPhone PicMonkey App Better Than Before book by Gretchen Rubin*