The Importance Of Saying Fu*k It
Woody Allen famously said that eighty percent of success is showing up. Often times the most effective way to consistently get yourself to show up is to simply say “fu*k it”. This means putting insecurities and doubts aside. It means ignoring the voice inside your head that incessantly tells you why something might not work out. It means removing all expectations and letting things simply play out. In this episode we talk about how we were able to get fast and incredibly impactful results for our business by acting without fear. From following up with famed podcaster Jordan Harbinger after briefly running into him at a conference and getting him to feature us on his podcast which gets millions of monthly listens, to building relationships with Goalcast and Forbes to become contributing authors, helping us grow our audience. We also talk about how we were able to close the first deal for our software startup by changing our approach and saying “fu*k it - why not try something new.”If you have your own story of when you said “fu*k it” and got results, send us an email at or and we’ll feature it in a 5 Minute Pick Me Up episode. See for privacy and opt-out information.